Monthly Archives: December 2011

Christmas Lights

Christmas Lights, originally uploaded by andyspex.

As neither of us are really into Christmas decorations (I hate everything that is glittery, which is a throwback to working in retail and putting out decorations from September), we bought these Scandanavian style wooden lights as our minor tilt towards decorating.

Yo! Sushi

Yo! Sushi, originally uploaded by andyspex.

I had never had Sushi before, so going to Yo! Sushi was a great experience. I think that I will be going again.

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle, originally uploaded by andyspex.

Edinburgh is dominated by the castle which stands on the volcanic Castle Rock at the top of the Royal Mile (which runs for just over a mile down to Hollyrood House).

There are plenty of museum pieces to look at in the castle and it is famous for the 1 o’clock gun.  It also holds one of only 2 Dog cemetaries in Scotland. An interesting fact for you there.

Edinburgh Skyline

Edinburgh Skyline, originally uploaded by andyspex.

I have just come back from a 5 day trip to Scotland, where the weather was fine, but very cold, which I guess is what you would expect from Scotland in December.

We made the most of our time there, with 2 days in Edinburgh and 2 at a wedding.

In Edinburgh we visited the Castle, Camera Obscura Museum, did a Vaults tour, went to the Surgeons Museum, the Scottish National Gallery and National Museum of Scotland.

We also found plenty of time to head to the pub and drink Mulled Mead in the Christmas Market.